In traditional publishing outlets, arbitrary publishing definitions are used to categories all titles within the division and the subgenre. This ensures that all books are organised efficiently for readers and wholesalers. However, there is one vital flaw in this model, with many titles often subcategorised broadly to capture multiple markets, which is often insufficient for readers, who have to scroll endlessly to find a specific title. However, self-publishing eradicates all confusion, as a more specialised range of subgenres incorporated, that speak more clearly on the diverse range of subcategorise available of both fiction and non-fiction. 

This may explain why traditional published books have been in decline in the last several years and self-published books are on the rise, because it ensures that readers are able to find a very specific specialised piece of fiction, without the constant vagueness alluded compared to traditional publishing. This highlights the benefits of self-publishing for both readers and writers, who can get multiple books published in the same time frame of only one traditionally published title, demonstrating how beneficial self-publishing can be.