With the world wide web becoming ever so more advanced and innovative by each day, the question of whether or not you buy printed recipe books is becoming more and more unknown, with websites, videos, podcasts, blogs, and vlogs available on such a massive spectrum for free, it is not impossible to assume that maybe these answers are changing.

With millions and millions of recipes, available on such a wide variety of food and drink at an instant. Is the cookery book market a viable trade in the publishing industry?

Well, around 200 million printed books sold last year, exceeding all estimations since 2012, truly demonstrating that there still is a need for print, despite it being mostly online sales within the several months, print has continued to rise and become ever more popular. But why are cookery books still so successful? When people have such a wide variety of recipes at their disposal, why does it continue to thrive and how?

Well, the obvious reason would be the practicality, you can place your book by the stove when you’re cooking without the risk of it turning off or being damaged, the cookbook, is simple and effective, allowing you to cook with practicality and ease.In addition, printed books have proven to have elements of aestheticism, especially lifestyle non-fiction, which has built up this reputation for luxury and aesthetics, which you simply cannot achieve online, on a website, or eBook. With consumers not only wanting to buy printed books for its content but for its design, whether it is for the coffee table or on a shelf in the kitchen, people prefer getting print rather than digital, because it allows the product to be versatile, using it for multiple functions. Making it worth spending money on!

Yes, the internet has such a wide variety and you could get any recipe you wanted in minutes, but people like the idea of printed cookbooks, the structure, the layout, and the design, which gives the consumer a whole new experience, that you cannot simply achieve online.